Our Team

Our Team

Fruit Media Group

We’re so happy to introduce Fruit Media Group’s Dream Team of Inna Lomanov, Caitlin Denman, Anastasia Krutik, Andrey Kvasov, Alexander Bykovsky, Lera Mikitenko, and Beata Tseyukova to you
The Inspiration and Motivation for Fruit Media Group is our shared beliefs that Showing Fruits and a Fruit-based Lifestyle to the World can make Many Positive Impacts

Inna Lomanov

Client Relations Lead
She’s the person who Meets with business owners and their team to discuss how Fruit Media Group can Best Serve them. One of Inna’s main Joys in Life and in Business is to Live and Advocate for a Healthy, Fruitful Lifestyle

Caitlin Denman

Head Content Creator
She’s the person who collaborates with online and physical business owners to create Effective Social Media and Promotional Content. Caitlin’s sure to inform business owners of the Need for Purposeful Content Creation and Public Engagement

Anastasia (Nastya) Krutik

Graphic Designer
Website Builder
She Creates the Graphics, Art, and Website Layout for Fruit Media Group. Nastya sees herself as a “Person of the Future,” who’s centered upon Innovation and Spreading Love and Creativity

Andrey Kvasov

Web Designer
He finds Peace and Joy in Creating Smooth-running, Problem-free, Easy-to-use websites. Andrey is a Quick Learner and a Quick Problem Solver

Alexander (Alex) Bykovsky

Head Video Creator
His focus is on the production of businesses’ Instagram Reels, YouTube Videos, and TikTok Videos, which are Fundamental for Social Media Growth and Customer/client Discovery. Alex’s videos are Well-edited, Entertaining, and Professional, all qualities fit for a Strong Business Image

Lera Mikitenko

Social Media Manager
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Media Maintainer
She Schedules, Captions, and Promotes the Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and other media accounts of business owners. On their accounts, direct messages and comments are also tended to. With all the tasks of maintaining good social media presences, Lera does this with the intention of creating maximum Brand Exposure and Sales Conversion for business owners

Beata Tseyukova

Graphic Designer
Website Builder
She designs the company’s art, animations, campaigns, and online layout as seen on our website and social medias

Marat Grabov

SEO Optimization
Email Marketing
He ensures that our clients receive adequate customer outreach through email marketing as well as optimizing our clients’ SEO (search engine optimization). Marat is passionate about marketing the usefulness of our clients’ services so our clients’ work can get noticed by potential buyers
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